Hearing Aids
Common Hearing Aid Styles
The most common styles available today include:
Custom Invisible In The Canal
Custom Completely In The Canal
Custom Mic In Helix
Custom In The Canal
Custom Fullshell
Receiver In The Canal
Behind the Ear
Schedule an appointment to find the perfect options for you.
Hearing Care Plans
Standard Plan
Pay as you go
Cost of hearing aid(s)
Initial fitting appointment
Earmolds, chargers/batteries, cleaning supplies included
Unlimited hearing aid-related appointments
Priority scheduling
Evening & weekend appointments*
Longer appointment times*
In-home services*
Supplies shipped*
Concierge Plan
Pay as you go
Cost of hearing aid(s)
Initial fitting appointment
Earmolds, chargers/batteries, cleaning supplies included
Unlimited hearing aid-related appointments
Priority scheduling
Evening & weekend appointments
Longer appointment times
In-home services
Supplies shipped
Pay as you go
Cost of hearing aid(s)
Initial fitting appointment
Earmolds, chargers/batteries, cleaning supplies included
Unlimited hearing aid-related appointments at no cost
Priority scheduling
Evening & weekend appointments*
Longer appointment times*
In-home services*
Supplies shipped*
*Available at additional cost
For first time hearing aid users, we strongly encourage that hearing aids are purchased along with a professional care plan. This is important during the adaptation process as well as for ongoing success with the devices. Hearing care plans are especially important for individuals who may need more assistance with their hearing devices, such as those with cognitive and memory issues, vision issues, dexterity issues, severe hearing difficulties, fluctuating hearing, limited familial support, very complex listening needs (such as musicians), and those who have had difficulties with hearing devices in the past.
Hearing aids are only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to treating hearing loss.
5 Keys to Communication Success is an auditory rehabilitation program for people with hearing loss and their communication partners.
Levels of Technology
Much like computers, hearing aids have a processing chip that executes the various operations and functions programmed into the device.
A higher, or more advanced, level of technology means the hearing aid has a more sophisticated processing chip—it can execute more complex algorithms and functions. A better chip means better hearing aid performance, which results in perceivable benefits such as more natural sound quality, improved background noise reduction, greater comfort for loud noises, and so on.
It is important to keep in mind that not every style or level of hearing aid may be appropriate for you.
Personalized Hearing Aid Solutions
At Capital Institute of Hearing & Balance, our doctors have extensive experience and expertise in developing comprehensive, individualized treatment plans.
We guide you through the process of selecting a hearing aid, assuring a custom fit, and managing your personalized treatment and continued hearing aid management.
We employ the most current, evidenced-based methods for prescribing, programming (live speech mapping), and verifying (real ear measurement) hearing aids.
Our doctors will complete a listening evaluation and prescribe the most appropriate hearing aid for the shape and acoustic properties of your ear, the degree and type of your hearing loss, your specific listening needs, and several other factors.
Capital Institure of Hearing & Balance is a HearingUp provider.